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5084 South 106th Avenue
Omaha, NE, 68127
United States

Browse home decor such as wood welcome signs or wall vinyl.  Some items may look rustic but all are clean enough to put on walls.  The wall sticker decals are safe and removable.  Made in Omaha, Nebraska, Leaf and Knot is a one person entreprenural dream.

Custom Signs - Standing Signs

Jumbo Scrabble Letters - Design your own

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Scrabble Letters Home.jpg
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Scrabble Letters Home.jpg
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Jumbo Scrabble Letters - Design your own

from $4.00

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Custom made jumbo scrabble letters are back! Design your own letters and words. Letters can glued together or left separate.
I can also make various small images. Premium pine wood is used to create each letter to best mimic the wood grain of real scrabble board pieces.

Each piece is then sealed with a glossy finish to make the letters and wood grain pop!
They can be stood upright on a flat surface. For hanging on a wall, contact me first as keyholes will need to be cut into the back of the pieces.

Each piece is 3.5” x 3.5” and 3/4” thick.

Order individually and use the quantity to indicate total pieces needed. Use the form that pops up to type out what words/letters you would like.

Example: QTY: 5 Word - HELLO

I will make each letter and ship individually.

Note: For large, more complex designs, please contact me over email as we can discuss letter layouts. If glued together is selected, the entire piece will have separate chunks so it can be shipped.