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5084 South 106th Avenue
Omaha, NE, 68127
United States

Browse home decor such as wood welcome signs or wall vinyl.  Some items may look rustic but all are clean enough to put on walls.  The wall sticker decals are safe and removable.  Made in Omaha, Nebraska, Leaf and Knot is a one person entreprenural dream.

Whiskey Barrel Cabinets

Whiskey-Bourbon-Wine Barrel Liquor Cabinets FAQ

I started making custom whiskey and wine barrel cabinets after speaking with a local brewery that was done using them to age their beer in.

These are former real whiskey/bourbon/wine barrels that were used by a distillery or vineyard. I started modifying them after I saw other barrels online but nothing really matched what I wanted.
These are fully finished, made with my own shelves that provide lots of storage room, easy access (lockable), well lit, a protective top finish and held together with about 100 screws to make sure the metal bands and wood don’t fall apart.

Features and additions - Not just a barrel!

  • Dual French style double doors - easy access to inside.

  • Spinning lazy susan bottom shelf - no reaching way back in there to grab a bottle.

  • ~100 screws to keep the metal bands attached to the staves to prevent loose wood and loose parts. This is important!

  • Protective finish on the barrel + at least 4 coats on the top for liquid protection.

  • A flat-face cut middle shelf for easy access to items below.

  • Shelves are cut close to the edges to prevent a weird gap between barrel and shelf edges.

  • AC powered LED lights. Warm yellow with soft or bright settings.

For now, my barrel cabinets are only available for pickup or delivery near Omaha, Nebraska.
I have my own batch of barrels for sale on my website and sometimes Facebook market place.

Provide Your Own Barrel!
I am more than happy to modify a barrel you already have. Send me an email or message on Facebook and I’ll see what I can do. I offer discounts on pricing if you provide your own barrel.
Drop-off only.