Custom made bourbon/whiskey barrel cabinets. | Leaf & Knot - Woodworking

March 7, 2025 - All decals now in stock, a new endgrain cuttingboard is in stock, BYOB now available again - Sacramento area Only

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Sacramento, CA
United States

Browse home decor such as wood welcome signs or wall vinyl.  Some items may look rustic but all are clean enough to put on walls.  The wall sticker decals are safe and removable.  Made in Omaha, Nebraska, Leaf and Knot is a one person entreprenural dream.

Provide Your Own Barrel - Liquor Cabinet

Home Bar

Home bar products that include whiskey barrel cabinets and other various shelving and games.

Provide Your Own Barrel - Liquor Cabinet

Barrels 1.jpg
Bourbon Barrel front.jpg
Bourbon Barrel top.jpg

Provide Your Own Barrel - Liquor Cabinet

from $350.00

Provide your own barrel to have it converted into a liquor cabinet.

The barrel will have to be dropped off and picked up from my location. Unfortunately don’t have a vehicle to transport barrels in.

In exchange for you doing the driving and providing the barrel, I offer significant savings.

LED Lights:
Spinning Bottom Shelf:
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UPDATE: All barrel will now come with double French style doors. - two smaller doors that open from the middle - regardless of what past photos may show.
This provides easier access into the cabinet and reduces the weight sag of a single door.

This is listing is for converting a barrel, that you already have, into a cabinet. This is discounted because you are providing the barrel and dropping off/picking up.

There are some options available for you to meet your style and price:

  • Spinning Bottom Shelf (Lazy Susan style) and LED lights that plug into a wall outlet

  • Spinning Bottom Shelf with NO LED lights

  • Flat Bottom shelf and LED lights

  • Flat Bottom shelf and NO LED lights

Include with all barrels - unless otherwise discussed.

All barrels are rough sanded twice on the sides to knock of most large splinters and grime. The sides are then finished in a smoother, final sanding. The top of the barrel is sanded to a very smooth finish. I do my best to keep the distiller logo intact and visible, but some wear will happen, if this is important to you.
The double doors are then cut out, each will roughly be about 12” wide (x2) for an opening of about 22-24”. This varies due to where barrel staves and the logos are placed by the manufacturer.
The inside of the barrel is scrubbed with a metal brush to remove the flakes of char as best I can. It is then sprayed out with water to remove the debris. There will still be a black, charred interior when finished. Some may rub off on your hand if you touch the interior walls of the barrel. It was previously burnt wood after all.
I use two coats of polyurethane on the outside of the barrel and at least 4 coats on the top for added protection. Barrel final color with vary, but most finish to a nice warm, orange/brown color with leaks ands stains finishing to a dark brown or black.
All screws now used are finished in black.
I paint the hinges and locks to either a hammered black or a hammered grey. I choose whichever seems to match the original metal bands the best.

OTHER OPTIONS - send a message about these

  • Staining the barrel

  • Paint the metal bands

  • Various lock/latch styles

  • Mid shelf removal or specific height/placement. The middle shelf is lowered about ~12” from the top if there is no preference.

  • Battery powered internal LED light with motion sensor - amber lights

  • Open to suggestions!

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